Internet & Algoritmic trading

Jollyplast srl - Località Piano 55 - 12040 - Sommariva Perno (CN) Tel: 0172 46142 - Fax: 0172 46655


Jollyplast Jollyplast s.r.l., founded in 1977, makes thermoforming moulded plastic products and performs accessory processes such as assembly and packaging using heat welding and high frequency welding. We mainly deal with industry, supporting customers operating in various product sectors: automobiles, biomedical, mechanical, food, textiles, packaging and ecology, and we guarantee safety and efficiency right from the initial planning stages. With our associate company, Arcoplastica s.r.l., we are an established force in the very forefront of moulding thermoformed and extruded plastic materials.


Our film moulding section produces and distributes its own articles that meet a range of packaging needs of various product sectors, such as food, cosmetics, biomedical, etc....

Our sheet moulding section studies and makes various thermoformed wrapping products, specific packaging, containers for industrial handling, casings, and machine components for all product sectors.

Our trimming section performs precise processing on industrial and technical details.
We use all thermoplastic materials, including PVC, PS, HDPE, PP, PET/G, PET/A, ABS, Methacrylate, PC, biodegradable materials such as PLA and MATER-BI, and ECM.


- 10 automatic thermoforming lines
- 4 five-axis robotic trimming lines
- 30 employees
- 3,000 m2 of built-on area
- 6,800 m2 of total area
- 1,200 tons  of material produced

Work safety

Safety in the Jollyplast workplace has always been one of the priority objectives of the management , their assistants and all the workers.

Company organisation ensures:
- Constant communication and training for all employees on the subject of safety
- Adequate individual protection devices for all tasks subject to residual risk
- Environmental health checks in the work place
- Regular health surveillance
- Regular updating of safety management procedures
- Modification of devices and equipment to conform with new laws and regulations

With the steady improvement of our quality management process, work safety,  and health protection,  Jollyplast is constantly committed to making the utmost effort to fully satisfy all the requests of all our customers.

Research and development

Since its foundation, Jollyplast s.r.l. has continually implemented research and development. Prototyping and tests are carried out every day to develop new thermoforming solutions for new composite and biodegradable materials.

For the processes following the moulding stage, we acquired and implemented permanent solutions based on years of experience in this field, for bonding and polymerisation of materials. This enables us to better satisfy various types of requests for objects that are technically complicated to produce.